
„Moją misją jest wspieranie i wspomaganie w trudnym procesie rehabilitacyjnym związanym z odzyskiwaniem utraconych funkcji na skutek wad genetycznych, zaburzeń układu nerwowego oraz uszkodzeń i urazów po wypadkach.”

~ Anna Regner

Publications written by Anna Regner:

1. “The Integration School through Art Therapy” 1996, ‘Nowa Szkoła’ nr 9. Details the program introduced in the Nr. 11 Aggregated Integration Schools in Wrocław. The program includes music and plastic (artistic) therapy for the rehabilitation of disabled children. The program is continued to date. 1. “The Integration School through Art Therapy” 1996, ‘Nowa Szkoła’ nr 9. Details the program introduced in the Nr. 11 Aggregated Integration Schools in Wrocław. The program includes music and plastic (artistic) therapy for the rehabilitation of disabled children. The program is continued to date. 

2. “The Educational Offer of the Integration School” 1998, ‘Nowa Szkoła’ nr 4. Details the emotional and manual development and progress of children following two years of attending an integration primary school with the Art Therapy program.

3. “Integration not only through Art Therapy”, 1998, ‘Problemy Opiekuńczo- Wychowawcze’ nr 9. Details other methods used in assisting the psycho-kinesis and intellectual development of disabled children in integration schools.  

4. “The Application of the Castillo Morales Method in the Oral facial Rehabilitation of Infants”, 2000, ‘Biuletyn Logopedyczny’ nr 3 in which I introduce the basis of the neuro-physiological method in correcting irregular muscle tension of the infant’s body. This method was created by the Argentinean medical doctor, Professor Castillo Morales thirty years ago.

5. “Assisting the Development of the Small Child by Applying the Oral facial Therapy” 2000, ‘Rewlidacja’ nr 2.

6. “The Techniques of Body Movement through Music which Improve Fluency of Speech” 2001, ‘Muzykoterapia Polska’ nr 1. Details the choice of relevant music taken from nature’s sounds, such as: bird songs, dolphin’s voices, the sound of waves, the sound of wind in the trees, etc., and instruments whose sound is most similar to nature: the Pan flute and the harp. This music is adapted to the nervous system & emotions of the disabled child to stimulate or relax in order to carry out effective therapy. 

7. “Early Intervention Using the Neuro-physiological Method for the Improvement of Development in the Small Child” 2003 in the yearly ‘Logopedia’  in which I present the methods and techniques used in the rehabilitation and development of psycho-kinesis in disabled children, or those threatened by disability, from birth to three years of age.

8. “The Application of Art Therapy in the Integration School” 2003, ‘Muzykoterapia Polska’ nr 2 in which I present different forms of enhancement of manual ability in physically disabled children through plastic (artistic) techniques using various natural material like: water, clay, dough, flour, sand, stones, shells, seeds, pieces of wood and tree bark, etc.

9. “Theoretical and Practical Basis of Or facial Therapy” 2004, a chapter in the book ‘Neuro-physiological Methods of Improvement in Children with Development Disorders’ written by L. Sadowska. 

10. “The Influence of Manual Therapy on the Improvement of the Speech Apparatus” in the periodical ‘Dental and Medical Problems’ nr42/2004 in which I describe the effect of massage on the orofacial muscles.11. “Basic Oral Facial Therapy as a New Concept a chapter in Material from Conference 4-5.06. 2005 New Methods of Movement and Speech Stimulation , Warszawa- Krynica.

12. “Early Childhood Intervention and Support in Psychomotor Development using Castillo Morales Method” 2006, a chapter in the book Child with developmental  disorders , Impuls, Kraków.

13. “Early speech intervention for children with potential disabilities” 2006, a chapter in the book Early interwention and suppoting infans, Impuls, Kraków.

14. “Diagnosing the dysfunctions of the attachment development“ in Material from Conference:. The role of attachment in the development of children and young people with disabilities, PTL Wrocław, Poland.

15. “Speech development and Sensory Integration” 2009, the book written by S. Masgutowa and A. Regner, Continuo, Wroclaw, Poland.

16. “Selected principles of oral facial therapy according to the concept of Rodolfo Castillo Morales” /in:/ . Z. Śliwiński, A. Sieroń, Great Physiotherapy, UJK, Kraków 2013 .

17. “Orofacial therapy guide”, Ergo Sum, Bytom, 2015

18. “Early intervention preventing Oral – Facial Disorders”, in: Early Speech Intervention, K. Kaczorowska – Bray, S. Milewski, Harmonia Universalis Gdańsk, 2016.

dr Anna Regner