Camp for children – February 2018

Place: London (UK)
Date: February 10th,11th,12th, 2018

3 day intensive course for families with children who are tube fed and ready for a transition to oral feeding.

This workshop is led by specialized speech-language pathologists experienced in effective use of variety of techniques which will transform how your family relates to mealtimes, eating and nutrition.

Moving on from tube to oral feeding workshop

Date: February 10th, 11th, 12th, 2018
City: London (UK)

Lecture and hands-on approach. All techniques will be demonstrated on parents who will than practice new techniques on their children under the supervision of the therapists.


Dr. med. Castillo-Morales describes the chain of muscles connecting the entire body. Our oral-facial complex depends on the shoulder and hip joints and their alignment with the rest of the body.

Emmett Techniqes

Neuro-muscular pain relief techniques allow you to unlock and activate the cellular memory. Activation allows the brain to create a new state of homeostasis and change the posture of the body.

dr Anna Regner